Saturday, July 25, 2009

Xun Jubo 荀巨伯

Here is a story found in ‘A New Account of Tales of the World’ (Shi Shuo Xin Yu) about Xun Jubo, who lived during the Han dynasty (202 BC – 220).
Xun Jubo travelled far to visit a friend who was badly ill. In that period the Hun invaders were making an attack on the county in which his friend lived. The friend said to Xun, ‘I am dying, please go.’
Xun said, ‘I came a long distance to see you, but you want me to leave. Being disloyal to a friend only to save myself is an unrighteous act that is beneath me.’
The invaders arrived at last and asked Xun, ‘Our troops are coming, all the people in the county have fled, But what kind of man are you, who dare to remain here alone?’
‘My friend is terribly sick,’ Xun said, ‘I can’t bear to leave him alone. I prefer to be killed in his place.’
The invaders said to themselves, ‘We are unrighteous. How can we make an attempt on a righteous county?’
Then they withdraw the troops and the whole county was saved.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Chinese Calendar 华人日历

The Chinese calendar follows a 60-year cycle. Within this cycle, there are two separate sub-cycles, which interact with one another. The first sub-cycle comprises of the ten heavenly stems, namely the Five Elements in their Yin and Yang forms. These elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. The second sub-cycle comprise of the twelve zodiac animal signs, also known as the Earthly Branches.
Because the Chinese calendar is based on the moon's rotation, the new year can occur anytime from mid-January to late February.
The twelve animals are arranged in the following order: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. These 12 animals represent the rotating 12-year cycle that is the basis of the Chinese Zodiac. You’ve likely heard reference to a particular year being the "Year of the Rabbit" or "Year of the Pig."   
The system of the twelve-year cycle of animal signs was built from observations of the orbit of Jupiter (the Year Star 岁星).
Each animal in the zodiac is associated with its own element — metal, wood, earth, water or fire - while each year is assigned an element. The combination of these two elements is said to define a person's personality.
Much of Chinese philosophy is built around the belief in the five elements and their abilities to interact with and create relationships between natural phenomena. The five elements have been part of Chinese culture almost from the beginning. Interestingly, few people outside the Asian world understand the importance of the five elements, especially how each relates to the workings of the Chinese Zodiac.
This can be illustrated with the example of wood which can be used to spark a fire. Water can then be used to overcome fire and fire can help in the production of metal. Thus we find that the Chinese philosophers drew out their parallels from the natural behavior and processes of the five elements with each other.
Generally speaking, the years ending in odd numbers are Yin, while the years ending in even numbers are represented by Yang. 2009 is the Yin Earth Ox year. This means that 2009, is an Ox year that will have the Yin influence or a quieter, slower and tranquil feel.
The Ox symbolizes the attainment of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. The underlying tone of the Ox year is patience, perseverance, dependability and dedication. The Earth OX energy in particular is about ideals and principles; therefore, you may notice these attributes being very important in whatever you pursue for 2009.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Nu Wa Made Human Beings 女娲造人

In the West, creation refers to making something from nothing. But for the Chinese, the world and human beings are never created as such. In the beginning, according to the Chinese mythology, there was nothing in the universe but a formless mass. It was Pan Gu who separated the earth from the sky. When Pan Gu died, the various parts of his bodies were transformed into myriad things in the world.
There are also many other deities in the Chinese mythology that helped make earth as a whole. In any case, there was no concept of creation in the Chinese mind. Instead, the myriad things were transformed from, produced or given birth by some other things.
One of the deities was Nu Wa, who made the human beings. Nu Wa was also the first match maker and known as the goddess of marriage. The story below comes from ‘The Comprehensive Meaning of Customs and Habits’ (Fengsu Tongyi), a book written in about 250 AD, by author Ying Shao, who lived during the Eastern Han period.
It is said that there were no men when the sky and the earth were separated and it was Nu Wa who made men by moulding yellow clay. She began to make more and more human beings until she was so tired that she had no strength to continue. So she dipped a rope into the mud and then lifted it. The mud that dripped from the rope also became man. Those made by moulding yellow clay were rich and noble, while those made by lifting the rope were poor and low in status. Wu Wa then prayed in the temple of Heaven to allow her to match make and thereby set up a system of marriage.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Old Man on the Frontier Lost His Horse, Blessing or Bane? 塞翁失马,焉知非福?

Once upon a time, there was a man who was well versed in the practices of Daoism, lived in the frontier zone. His horse, for no reason at all, got into the territory of the frontier tribes. Everyone was sad for him.‘Who knows, this may turn out to be a blessing,’ said his father.
After a few months, his horse came back on its own together with a fine horse. Everyone congratulated him.
‘Who knows, this may turn out to be a cause of misfortune,’ said his father.
Since the man was well-off and kept good horses, he became fond of riding and eventually broke his thigh bone falling from a horse. Everyone was sad for him.
‘Who knows, this may turn out to be a blessing,’ said his father.
One year later, the frontier tribes started a big invasion of the border regions. All able-bodied young men took up arms and fought against the invaders, and as a result, around the border nine out of ten men died. But just because he was lame, the man and his father were both spared.
Therefore, whether good fortune would turn into calamity, and calamity would turn into good fortune, these changes cannot be predicted. They are indeed unfathomable.