Saturday, May 30, 2009

One Who Stops Thinking about Words 忘言之人

Zhuangzi once said: ‘A basket-trap is for catching fish, but when one got the fish, one need think no more about the trap. Words are for holding ideas, but when one got the idea, one need no longer think about the words. If only I could find someone who had stopped thinking about words and could have him with me to talk to!’
To talk to someone who has stopped thinking about words is not to talk with words.
A New Account of Tales of the World (Shi Shuo Xin Yu) tells this story about Wang Ziyou (Huizhi):
“Wang travelled to Nanjing by boat. The boat was parked at the river bank. Wang had heard of Huan Ziye’s fame as a flute player but he was not acquainted with him. Wang was inside the boat when Huan was travelling by land along the river bank. Someone told Wang that the man travelling on the bank was Huan. Wang sent a messenger to say to him, ‘Wang heard that you are good at the flute, please play it for him.’ Huan had also heard of Wang. Although at that time Huan was already a man of noble position, he descended from his chariot, sat on the chair, and played the flute three times. After that, he ascended his chariot and went away. The two men did not exchange even a single word. ”
They did so because what they wished to enjoy was only the pure beauty of music. Wang asked Huan to play for him, because he knew he could play it well. Huan played for him, because Huan knew he could appreciate Huan’s playing. When this had been done, what else was there to talk about?
Note: The site of the ferry is Yaodibu (the ferry with flute-play invited), at Fuzi Temple district in Nanjing. It is said that the music played by Huan was the famous Three Stanzas of Plum Blossoms.
:据说桓伊吹笛所在地在南京秦淮河夫子庙的邀笛步, 旧名萧家渡。传说桓伊所奏的乐曲就是著名的‘梅花三弄’。

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