Saturday, March 27, 2010

Defeat is Clear: Songs of Chu on All Sides 四面楚歌

At the end of the Qin Dynasty (221 - 206 BC), the State of Chu and the State of Han fought for control of the country. It is said that ordinary men placed in extraordinary circumstances can accomplish great deeds. Great strategists of old understood this fact, and took care to place their men in these situations to bring the best out of them, and likewise took care to deprive their enemies of this situational advantage whenever they could. At no time is this more important when one is about to vanquish one’s enemy; a job 9o% done is not done, and a slight mishap toward the end could undo all of one’s past victories and successes. Such was the case during the endgame stages of the struggle between Han and Chu around 202 BC.
Han armies had all but secured victory over Chu, trapping Xiang Yu, Chu’s leader, and what was left of his army at Gaixia. A lesser strategist may have been content with simply awaiting the eventual last charge that Chu would make to attempt to break out of its entrapment. However, Zhang Liang,Han’s strategist, knew that Xiang Yu was a fierce warrior, a beast of a man whose battlefield prowess was such that mere mention of his name struck fear into the hearts of men.
Zhang knew that Xiang’s troops, cornered and hungry, could be stirred by their leader’s charisma and determination for one last fight, while his own troops, slightly complacent with victory in plain sight, would be vulnerable in this last battle. Victory for Han was far from certain in Zhang’s mind, and he devised a plan to weaken the wills of Chu’s soldiers.
As Han troops were preparing for their charge, they sang folksongs of Chu, which rang off the mountains on all four sides of the surrounded Chu troops. Zhang had ordered his own troops to sing Chu’s songs in an effort to stir up nostalgia among Xiang’s troops and weaken their will to fight. Xiang himself, on hearing the songs of Chu, realized that his time was running short.
‘Songs of Chu on all sides’ now is a Chinese proverb used to describe and a situation that is desperate beyond hope and a defeat is clear.

Shima Qian described what happened at Gaixia in the ‘Records of Grant Historian’:
Xiang Yu’s army at Gaixia, with only a handful of troops and running out of supplies, was hemmed in by the men of Han and the other states. At night he heard the songs of Chu on all sides around him. ‘Has Han already captured Chu?’ he asked in dismay, ‘They have so many men of Chu with them.’
He rose that night to drink in his tent. With him was the lovely Lady Yu, who followed wherever he went, and Zhui, the swift steed which he always rode. Now Xiang Yu chanted a tragic air, setting words to himself:
My strength can uproot mountains,
My spirit puts the world at my feet;
But the times are against me,
And Zhui can gallop nor more.
When Zhui gallop no more,
What can I do?
Oh, lady, my dear lady,
What is to become of Lady Yu?
He sang this song several times and Lady Yu joined in. Tears rolled down his cheeks, while all his followers wept and bowed their heads in sorrow.


歌数阕,美人和(hè 第四声 附和,应和)之。项王泣数行下。左右皆泣,莫能仰视。

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