Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Zhuangzi: I Prefer to Wag my Tail in the Mud 庄子:吾将曳尾于涂中

Zhuangzi was born in a poor family, lived primarily on making straw sandals. However, he was indifferent to fame and gain, which seemed to him like devils rather than angels, and had long pursued spiritual freedom. Zhuangzi advocates respecting life and nourishing life instead of being caught up by outside matters and being destroyed by desires.
Zhuang Zi preferred non-action. He has always been viewed as the paragon of high moral character and purity of spirit. One story (extracted from the book ‘Zhuangzi’) illustrates these qualities well.

Zhuangzi was fishing on the Pu River when the king of the state of Chu sent two high officials to see him and said, "Our king desires to burden you with the administration of the Chu State."
Zhuangzi went on fishing without turning his head and said, "I have heard that in Chu there is a sacred tortoise which died when it was three thousand years old. The king keeps this tortoise carefully enclosed in a chest in his ancestral temple. Now would this tortoise rather be dead and have its remains venerated, or would it rather be alive and wagging its tail in the mud?"
"It would rather be alive," replied the two officials, "and wagging its tail in the mud."
"Begone!" cried Zhuangzi. "I too will wag my tail in the mud."


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