Saturday, January 23, 2010

Resist the Aggression in the Banquet 折冲樽俎

The Warring States Period in the Chinese history covers the period from 476 BC to the unification of China by the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC. It is considered to be the second part of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, following the Spring and Autumn Period. The Warring States period was a period when regional warlords annexed smaller states around them and consolidated their rule. The warlords had earlier called themselves dukes of the Zhou dynasty king; but now they began to call themselves kings, meaning they were equal to the Zhou king.

Here is a story happened during the Warring Period.

King Ping of Jin wanted to attack the state of Qi. He dispatched an officer Fan Zhao to observe the political situation in Qi.
King Jing of Qi treated Fan Zhao to a drink of wine. When they were happy to drink, Fan said to King Jing, ‘I wish to drink with your cup.’ King Jing said, ‘Pour for our guest with my cup, please.’ After Fan finished drinking the wine from his own cup, Prime Minister Yan Zi instructed the waiter, ‘Withdraw the cup of King Jing and poured the wine with the Fan's cup for him still’.
Fan pretended to be drunk and dance grouchily, and then said to the Viceroy: ‘Can you performance the music of the Son of Heaven Zhou for me? I will dance with the music!’ The Viceroy answered: ‘I have not learnt that.’
Fan left the banquet. Duke Jing questioned Yan Zi, ‘Jin is a big state! They dispatched their officer to observe us. How do we do if we peeved their envoy?’ Yan Zi replied, ‘Fan Zhao is not someone who does not know ceremonial rites. He put down our state purposely to test us, so I would not pour for him with your cup.’ King Jing then asked the Viceroy, ‘Why didn’t you play for him the music of the Son of Heaven Zhou?’ The Viceroy said: ‘The music of the Son of Heaven Zhou can only be enjoyed by the Son of Heaven and only kings can dance with the music. Fan Zhao only a minister and yet he wanted to dance with the music of the Son of Heaven, so I cannot perform for him."
After Fan returned Jin, he told King Ping of Jin, ‘We cannot attack the state of Qi. Yan Zi knew I wanted to put down their king and the Viceroy knew I wanted to put down their ceremonial rites.’
After hearing the story, Confucius said: "Resist the aggression of the faraway enemy in the banquet. He is Yan Zi."

景公赐之酒,酣,范昭曰:“愿诣君之樽酌。”公曰: “酌寡人之樽,进之于客。”范昭已饮,晏子曰:“彻樽更之,樽觯具矣。”
范昭趋而出。 景公谓晏子曰:“晋大国也,使人来,将观吾政也。今子怒大国之使者,将奈何?”晏子曰:“夫范昭之为人,非陋而不识礼也,且欲试吾君臣,故绝之也。”景公谓太师曰: “子何不为客调成周之乐乎?”太师对曰:“夫成周之乐,天子之乐也,若调之,必人主舞之。今范昭人臣也,而欲舞天子之乐,臣故不为也。”

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