Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mark the Boat to Find the Lost Sword 刻舟求剑

The Chinese proverb ‘Mark the Boat to Find the Lost Boat’ is always used to describe a person does not change his strategy even when the circumstances change. The term is used to mock those who are sticklers for adhering to old models. It comes from the following story which dates back to the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC).

“Once upon a time, a man from Chu state, who was crossing the river by boat, dropped his sword to the river. He marked the boat where the sword dropped, and he said, ‘This is where I drop my sword.’
When the boat stopped at the opposite bank, the man undressed himself immediately and dove into the water for his sword from the very place where he had made the mark.
The boat had moved a great distance since he made the mark, and the dropped sword did not move an inch. Isn’t foolish to find the dropped sword by making a mark on a moving boat?”

The central lesson behind this saying is the need to understand what is relevant to the situation, and then do it at the right place and at the right time. If one does not understand the situation, then one may not take action even if it is needed. Alternatively, we may take the wrong action. Sometimes, like the man in the story, we may see the situation correctly at that point, but delay in doing the right thing to tackle the challenge thinking that we can always do it later. But with a change of timing, a right action may become utterly useless.




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