Saturday, February 27, 2010

Zhuangzi Predicted the Fate of Tigers 庄子预知老虎命运

This is the year of tiger. Tigers are known to be the kings of jungle and yet they are one of the Earth's fastest disappearing species. Why? This is because every part of a dead tiger is valuable (more valuable than a live tiger in the eyes of poachers). A tiger's coat sells for as much as US$20,000 on the black market. An intact tiger forearm can bring in hundreds of US dollars per kilogram. Tiger penis soup sells for US$320 a bowl in Taiwan. (Some people actually believe that tiger penis soup will increase their sexuality.) Tiger bones, claws, eyes and even the whiskers command high prices for use in Eastern potions and elixirs. To fulfil the demand, the world's last tigers are being illegally trapped, poisoned and shot, then smuggled across international boundaries.
So being useful is not something that is good as at times it is better to be useless. Zhuanzi knows it best.

Zhuangzi was walking in the mountains when he saw a huge tree with branches full of luxuriant foliage. A lumberjack had stopped next to it, but wasn't attempting to cut it down. When Zhuangzi asked the lumberjack the reason, he responded, ‘There's nothing useful about that tree.’ Zhuangzi said: ‘This tree is so worthless it's been able to live out its natural lifespan.’
After coming out of the mountains, Zhuangzi stayed overnight in the home of an old friend. His friend was so delighted that he ordered his young servant to slaughter a goose so they could have it for dinner. The young servant politely asked, ‘One of them can cackle, and one of them can't cackle. Please tell me which one I should slaughter?’ The host responded, ‘Kill the one that can't cackle.’
The next day one of his disciples asked Zhuangzi, ‘Yesterday when we were in the mountains and came across that tree, it was able to live out its natural lifespan because it was worthless. Now our host has ordered the goose to be killed because it's worthless. Which is the better position?’
Zhuangzi laughed and said, ‘All around, I'd say the better position would be somewhere between being of worth and being worthless. Being somewhere between being of worth and being worthless might seem like the best place to be, but it's actually not. That's because one hasn't yet gotten rid of being tied to some idea. But that wouldn't be true if you could mount on the chariot of Dao and virtue and float about on it, without praise, without disapproval; In one moment a dragon, in one moment a snake. Changing in unison with the times; and never consenting to act in one specified way. In one moment above, in one moment below; using harmony as a measuring stick. Floating about with the ancestor of all living things; allowing things to be things, but not making things out of things. Then how would one be tied to anything? This was the method used by Shen Nong and Huang Di. But that's not truly the sentiments of most creatures who pass concepts of human ethics on to humanity: Joining together, then separating; Constructing, then destroying; Appearing to be honest, then back stabbing; Glorifying, then criticizing; Making promises, then backing down; Acting virtuous, then scheming; Deeming unworthy, then deceiving. Is there anything to be certain of? Yes, it's sad. But remember, my disciples, the only place to find a comfortable home is in Dao and virtue.’



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