Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Metal Rabbit Forecast 2011 兔年运程

2011 is the year of Xin Mao, which is known as Metal Rabbit year or Golden Rabbit year. The Heavenly Stem which is represented by Metal Xin is sitting on top of Earthly Branches Wood Mao. This terminology of Metal sitting on Wood is similar to 2010 Metal Geng and Wood Yin except that 2011 is Yin Metal and Yin Wood while 2010 is Yang Metal and Yang Wood.
The colours White (for Silver) and Gold represent the Metal Element. Yin Metal is like a small knife which is sharp and swift in strike. Once provoked, it implies potential hidden threats. As such, beware of undercover robberies and petty thieves. Guard your homes with alarm and security. Yin Wood resembles small plants though subtle but flexible. Imagine that during a heavy storm, the tall trees will fall first.
Yin Metal and Yin Wood in conflict implies that disputes may even occur over minor issues. Therefore, be mindful and avoid offending others. Minor errors may lead to serious consequences. Also, do be prepared for new rulings at work or from your superiors. At home, pay more attention to your teenage children. It is a year in which the family will come first.
Having two Yins (Yin metal and Yin wood) could mean polarisation of opinions resulting in conflicting ideologies, arguments and clashes, which may lead to destructive relationship.
Things will move slowly, although they will get done more correctly. People will reveal their bunny-side and will listen to their heart rather than their mind. Discussions and consensus will be catch words of the year. Art, culture and ethnicity will come to the forefront. Leisurely travels and personal growth will be more visible.
Inauspicious industries are: shipping, transportation, energy, gas, timber, travel, pulp and paper, stationery, publishing and media. These industries will face stiff competition and price wars.
Metal industries such as gold, silver, jewellery, automobile and steel related products will be in demand. The property prices will continue to rise in 2011 but at a slower pace compared to 2010. People involved in singing and acting, concerts and road shows, teaching and law professions will be in good demand. There will be still more medical and scientific inventions and highly beneficial innovations in Communications, Internet and IT industries. The IT industry will be launching a bigger range of new communication products.

Click here also to read more on Chinese Zodiacal Years.


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