Friday, March 27, 2009

Chinese Zodiacal Years 华人生肖本命年

The Zodiac is part of an elaborate and laborious system based on Chinese astronomy, cosmology, and divination. The Chinese zodiac has twelve signs. Originally, these signs did not have animals associated with them but were signs used to record dates. They were called the 12 Earthly Branches and 10 Celestial Stems and their use went back to the Shang dynasty.
It is said that the twelve animals were introduced when Buddhism spread into China. The twelve animals are: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig.
In China, each person is assigned one of the zodiac animals at birth and after that every twelve years he will experience a ‘zodiacal year’. A person should be more careful and be prepared for any contingency as it is believed that he will offend ‘taishui’ in that year. Taisui is a mysterious power or celestial body that could control people's fortune. The best way to avoid miserable events is to wear things that are red, such clothes, a waistband, or decorations such as a red bracelet and necklace as a talisman that must be purchased by others. If the person himself buys them, the function is greatly lessened.
Generally, those who believe in zodiacal year will avoid travel far from home. In some places, a person is not supposed to go out of their home on the eve of their zodiacal year.
Even emperors behaved differently in their zodiacal year. Zhao Ji, or Song Huicong of the Song dynasty was born in the year of dog. In such a year, he would forbid his subjects to kill dogs.

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