Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pan Gu Makes the World 盘古创造天地

The first writer to record the Chinese myth on the creation of world by Pangu was Xu Zheng during the Three Kingdoms period, relatively late in Chinese history.
It is interesting to note that the myth shows a total belief in a cyclic nature. When something dies, it becomes something else, as the lice became humans. The myth also shows clearly that the Chinese do not subscribe to the idea that the world was created in a short time of a few days.
‘In the beginning, there was nothing in the universe except a formless mass. It evolved to something like a big hen’s egg. Pan Gu was born inside. After 18 thousand years, the egg cracked. The light, clear part of it floated up and formed the Sky. The cold, turbid matter stayed below to form the Earth. Pan Gu was still inside. Things started to change every day in the Sky and on the Earth. The Sky and the Earth began to grow at a rate of ten feet per day, and Pan Gu grew along with them. After another 18 thousand years, the Sky was higher, the Earth thicker, and Pan Gu stood between them like a pillar ninety thousand miles in height.
Pan Gu was first born in the egg, and before he died, his body started to transform. His breath became the wind and clouds, his voice the rolling thunder. The left eye became the sun and the right eye the moon. His body and limbs turned to five big mountains and his blood formed the roaring water. His veins became far-stretching roads and his muscles fertile land. The innumerable stars in the sky came from his hair and beard, and flowers and trees from his skin and the fine hairs on his body. His marrow turned to jade and pearls. His sweat flowed like the good rain and sweet dew that nurtured all things on earth. The fleas and lice were blown by the wind out of his body and became the ancestors of mankind.’

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